Car Parking at Cape Town International Airport

We have all the information that you need to help decide on the best airport car parking options from all that is available at Cape Town International Airport.

From off-site parking to on-site parking, short stay to long stay and drop off/pick up parking.

All the options, information, parking map, latest 2024 parking tariffs and contact information can be found here, including our NEW parking online booking facility to reserve parking in advance.

Booking App Parking Map ACSA Parking ACSA Tariffs

Book Parking online in Advance

Book your parking online in advance and save upto 60% on the on-site ACSA parking rates.

Get a quote and further information using our booking application and see the benefits and savings compared to the ACSA car parking options.

Benefits include:

  • Upto 60% savings on airport rates
  • Meet and greet or valet service
  • Long stay or short stay
  • Off-site locations away from the crowds
  • Secure lock up parking
  • Security controlled car parks
  • CCTV monitoring
  • Free car wash or valet with many tariffs
  • Book in advance so it's one less think off your mind
  • Invoice and confirmation straight to your inbox
airport parking booking app

Cape Town International Airport Car Parking Map

Cape Town Tambo International Airport has 5 car parks within the airport precinct.

The map below shows the locations of all these car parks and how they can be accessed.

Johannesburg - OR Tambo International Airport Car Parking Map

Cape Town Airport Parking Information and Contacts

The on-site parking is available on various tariffs that depend on convenience to the terminal and length of stay.

Parkade P1 Ground Pick up/Drop off Parking.

Situated close to the terminal in a seperate area for picking up and dropping off passengers. The first 20 minutes are free of charge after which tariffs will apply.

Parkades P1 and P2 Short Stay Parking.

Both of these parkades are situated close to the central terminal building and with easy access to the main entrance. Parking for people with disabilities is provided in reserved bays close to pay stations and exits.

Car Parks P3 and P4 Shaded Parking and Long Stay Parking.

These shaded car parks are located further away from the terminal building. A free 24 hour shuttle service is provided to and from P3 and P4 and the main entrance of the central terminal building.

Car Park P5 Long Stay Open Parking.

Car Park P5 is for long stay parking and is the furthest of the car parks from the terminal building. Parking is open and has limited places but represents the best value for long stays.

Katanga Parking Contact Information:

Airport Parking Management Company: Katanga Parking Services (Pty)

Telephone: +27 (0)21 936 3600/3612/3613

Email: - Website: za

Cape Town International Airport Parking Tarrifs

Cape Town International Airport current car parking tariffs for all the available ACSA parking options are listed in the tables below.

Cape Town Airport Parkade 1 Pick-up Parking Tariffs
0 - 20 mins FREE
21 - 40 mins R50
41 - 60 mins R60
Thereafter R60 per hour or part thereof
Cape Town Airport Parkade 1 Parking Tariffs
0 - 1 hours R28
1 - 2 hours R56
2 - 3 hours R82
3 - 4 hours R110
4 - 12 hours R170
12 - 24 hours R230
Thereafter R150 for every 12 hours or part thereof
Cape Town Airport Parkade 2 Parking Tariffs
0 - 1 hours R28
1 - 2 hours R56
2 - 3 hours R82
3 - 4 hours R110
4 - 12 hours R170
12 - 24 hours R230
Thereafter R150 for every 12 hours or part thereof
Cape Town Airport Car Park 3 Shaded Parking Tariffs
0 - 1 hours R20
1 - 2 hours R38
2 - 3 hours R50
3 - 4 hours R68
4 - 12 hours R120
12 - 24 hours R150
Thereafter R110 for every 12 hours or part thereof
Cape Town Airport Car Park Four Shaded Parking Tariffs
0 - 1 hours R20
1 - 2 hours R38
2 - 3 hours R50
3 - 4 hours R68
4 - 12 hours R120
12 - 24 hours R160
Thereafter R110 for every 12 hours or part thereof
Cape Town Airport Car Park 5 Long Stay Parking Tariffs
0 - 6 days no retes available
0 - 7 days no rates available
no rates available

Lost Ticket: R150 + applicable tariff.

Parking tariffs correct as of February 2024 and subject to change without notice.